Health Science Educators

Your graduates need trauma informed practice; aware and embodied.
How are you helping them get to this?
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Are your graduates prepared to start working with trauma impacted clients?
These are the people hardest to 'treat' and most often misunderstood by the mental health system.
And it's more prevalent than you might like to think.
Population prevalence levels of complex and developmental trauma vary widely. It can be a hard thing to pin down, especially as we open our perception of traumatic 'events' to include adverse childhood experiences and the quality of secure attachment consistently available to children and young people.
And it's more prevalent than you might like to think.
Population prevalence levels of complex and developmental trauma vary widely. It can be a hard thing to pin down, especially as we open our perception of traumatic 'events' to include adverse childhood experiences and the quality of secure attachment consistently available to children and young people.
"While there is limited data on the prevalence of trauma in Australia, 2 studies suggest that 57–75% of Australians will experience a potentially traumatic event at some point in their lives (Mills et al. 2011; Rosenman 2002). International studies estimate that 62–68% of young people will have been exposed to at least 1 traumatic event by the age of 17 (Copeland et al. 2007; McLaughlin et al. 2013). [Source: Australian Government, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 'Australia's Health 2020']."
The final report of the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System (March 2021) stresses the need to better understand and work with the link between trauma and mental health and to provide this in ways that are widely accessible, including digital innovation.
"The close relationship between trauma and mental illness and the need for trauma-informed mental health treatment, care and support are starting to be recognised, but there is much work still to be done. The system needs to provide more holistic approaches for consumers and must be responsive to trauma.."
It is clear that graduates working in the health sector, across all disciplines and especially in the mental health sector, need to be unskilled and prepared to support clients who's physical and mental health is impacted by the ongoing sequela of developmental trauma.
Talk to me about incorporating the
Rewire 4 Life program into your training syllabus
The Rewire 4 Life program is an experiential online learning environment where students:
- work through the materials personally, in order to experience first hand the processes they will later use to support clients
- be quizzed on their understanding of key concepts related to the neuroscience of trauma and attachment theory
- as a group, debrief client case studies from a trauma informed perspective, to understand how to apply the principles in practice for best client outcomes
- explore ethical issues in relation to trauma informed work
- review costs of trauma impacts in current global environment and socio-economic benefits of trauma informed practice and community
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Based on neuroscience of trauma and attachment

Promoting whole brain coherence and increased range of safe connection.
Signature processes

Provide structure for your students to learn and apply new skills, at both a macro and micro level.
The signature processes are designed to promote whole brain harmony as client works toward increasing their window of tolerance / presence.
The signature processes are designed to promote whole brain harmony as client works toward increasing their window of tolerance / presence.
5 zones - Dynamic ECO-system

The 5 zones of the Rewire 4 Life model work together to create a dynamic ECO-system to prepare for and process traumatic imprints and to integrate new experiences.

In house community space for discussion and sharing of learning experience. Guidance in each module on what and how to share and listen.
Beautiful workbooks

To contain and deepen the learning experience.
Video and audio tutorials and guided practices

To share information and context. And to guide students through a personal experience of all the practices, in order that they can better support clients to do the same.
Learn more about Rewire 4 Life course structure & outline.

Get in touch - what can we make happen together?
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